
Markus Huemer
My Pictures are the Ashes of My Art (After Palermo), 2002

In My Pictures are the Ashes of My Art (After Palermo) Markus Huemer quotes Yves Klein and refers this erroneously, but consciously, to Blinky Palermo. A blue projected picture, covered by the scratches of a 16 mm film, comments and ironically treats Klein’s and Palermo’s allocation of meaning to the color blue. Huemer establishes an analogy of the spiritually and immaterially interpreted blue of Klein with the alpha channel of the digital level, while Palermo’s blue as an imaginary expression of intermediate spaces is allocated to the analogous level of the 16 mm film. The scratches of the film can be read as a reference to the destructive potential in Palermo’s œuvre. The projected picture is no longer a picture in a double sense: first of all, the blue picture only comes to the fore when the image to be projected fails, and secondly, the picture is no longer a picture when the blue is representative for the empty canvas in painting.

Markus Huemer

* 1968 Linz, A
Lives and works in Berlin, D

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