
Luca Trevisani
Seven Boards of Skill , 2008

Luca Trevisani’s works can look like homemade machines or equipment for a scientific experiment. His conceptual approach is founded on a mental dialogue between his own work and the artworks and theories of other artists and scientist. This dialectic of scientific research and creative activity reflects the artist’s biography; he completed his studies in art history at the University of Bologna in 2003.
Seven Boards of Skill, 2008, collects geometrically shaped readymade materials. It is a wall object created from seven layers of differently cut-out triangles of photo foil, cork and aluminum. The object’s austere mini-malism is negated by the tension between precise mathematical forms and the used look of the materials and by adding commonplace office bracket rails.

Luca Trevisani

* 1979 Verona, I
Lives and works in Berlin, D
Luca Trevisani
Die Befindlichkeit des Landes, 2013
UV ray print on plastic mirror foil

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