
Girl, 2011

  • Inkjet-Print on Alu-Dibond
  • 55 x 83 cm
  • Acquired in 2013

Melancholy, intimacy, a sensitive articulation of moods, feelings and anxieties that is more a question of facial expression and gesture than of language. Slowness, subjective time and actual elapsing time becoming one. Euphoria and a dark sense of foreboding colliding in what appears as a physical way, turning the happy moment into an unstable, unresolved state in which everything appears to be possible—all of this aptly describes the atmosphere of the photographs and video projects of Amit Berlowitz. The artist arranges minimalist combinations of objects to create a scene in natural settings whose geographic location is unclear. The photograph refers to video projects, to which they are accompanied works: In Girl the camera follows a young, disoriented girl on a foray through the woods. What she does there or where she goes remains open.

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Spec housing in authentic Cape Dutch style by a property developer on a rural view site, Agatha, Tzaneen, Limpopo, 10.4.1989, 1989
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