
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Der Raum des Erfinders, 1990

“The concept for Ben Willikens’s three-part wall mural for the Möhringen auditorium can be seen in the quadratic mural The inventor’s room, with its white circle exactly in the centre of the picture. A short grey line, an obliquely placed right angle and a small black square initially appear to suggest a rotating movement – either rising or descending. They reference both the suprematist squares of Malevich and Lissitzky’s Proun pictures. The oblique (pointing) stick directs our attention to a table prosaically provided with rubber guards, which, in turn, connects with a chair. Or perhaps one could enter into the picture in the opposite direction, through the ‘background figure’ of the chair? Certainly the tension of the whole space condenses in this central field. This causes the space – a workshop for thoughts? – to recede, making it comparatively understandable and simple. We can see a rounded arch that fades away into obscurity, but only through a narrow, high doorway opening. The explicit reference to Malevich justifies a further interpretation: for the Russian suprematists, the square and the white circle symbolize the universal life of the future.” (Prof. Manfred Schneckenburger, 1990)

Ben Willikens

* 1939 Leipzig, D
Lives and works in Stuttgart, D
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Das All, 1990
Acrylic on gypseous alabaster
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Die Dynamik der Idee, 1990
Acrylic on canvas on wall plaster
Ben Willikens
Raum 371, Erich Buchholz (Atelier Herkulesufer 15, Berlin 1922), 2004
Acrylic on canvas

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Architecture 34 Artworks

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Missing walls: Bureaucracy at work, 2007
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Telephone Booth Conversations (III), 2006
Powder coated aluminum, acrylic and spray paint, electrical light components
Martin Boyce
A Forest (I), 2009
Power coated aluminum, steel chain, electrical components

Commissioned work 44 Artworks

Andy Warhol
Mercedes 400 Tourenwagen (1925), 1986
Silkscreen, acrylic on canvas
Nam June Paik
Nam Sat, 1997
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Painting 122 Artworks

Karl Duschek
Vier Stufen Silbergrau, 2007
Silver leaf, silver pigments on canvas

Wall work 6 Artworks

Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Die Dynamik der Idee, 1990
Acrylic on canvas on wall plaster
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Das All, 1990
Acrylic on gypseous alabaster

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