David Goldblatt
Tourist Information Centre in Qwa Qwa, the putative state set up under apartheid for the Sotho people, 21.5.1990, 1990
Archival pigment ink digitally printed on cotton rag paper
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Die Dynamik der Idee, 1990
Acrylic on canvas on wall plaster
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Das All, 1990
Acrylic on gypseous alabaster
Ben Willikens
Auditorium: Der Raum des Erfinders, 1990
Acrylic on canvas on wall plaster
Julian Opie
On average present day humans are one inch shorter than they were 8000 years B.C., 1991
Emulsion on wood
Max Uhlig
Halbfigur / Sitzender junger Mann (S.M.), 1991
Ink, brush on fleece fabric, overlaid, surrounded by framing strip
Rune Mields
»Welt ich bleibe nicht mehr hier« (Bachkantate Nr. 82) [‘World I'm not staying here anymore’], 1991
Acrylic on canvas
Compression, 1991
Mercedes-Benz 190 (metal, rubber, glass, leather, paint)
Erwin Heerich
TR9-75 Tadeusz-Pavillon, 1992
Baryt-Print, photo: Thomas Riehle
Cor Dera
Untitled (Hummingbirds), 1993
Offsetprints on wood
Erwin Heerich
TR9-122 Schnecke, 1993
Baryt-Print, photo Thomas Riehle
François Morellet
Relâche compact N° 1, 1993
Acrylic and pencil on canvas on pressboard, neon, aluminum, ribbons, transformer
Max Uhlig
Große Buschformation, bewegt, 1993
Ink on paper
Maria Eichhorn
18 Muster für Wandanstrich (Gemeentewerken Rotterdam), 1994
Cardboard, emulsion and watercolor paint, typewriter, clear adhesive tape, glassine paper
Alan Uglow
Twelve Standards Leaning , 1994
Silkscreen on paper
Uwe Seyl
Damenweg (chemin des dames), 1994
Gelatin silver print on baryta paper on alu dibond
Ian Anüll
Out of the box, 1995
video, loop, ca. 3 min., screen, player, cardbox
Il movimento delle cose, 1995
ink pencil on polyester foil
Kirsten Mosher
Carmen 4. It's civilization, 1995
Video, 4:06 min, Ed. unlim.
Robert Longo
Untitled (black car), 1996
Graphite on paper mounted on masonite
Peter Halley
Sphere (bronze and silver prisons), 1997
Acrylic and metallic acrylic, Roll-a-tex on canvas

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