
Lee Kit
‘You (you).’, set 7, 2013

In his home scenarios Lee Kit poses the question of how we want to live. He believes that there is also a secondary, political dimension to his artwork. Lee takes his embracing of the everyday a step further in the installation ‘You (you).’, which was shown at the Biennial in Venice in 2013. This series consists of a total of seven untitled sets of artworks, composed of diverse ready-mades, hand-colored items of clothing, paintings, as well as video and sound artworks. ‘You (you).’ contains elements of a typical Hong Kong living space; the exhibition space was correspondingly fitted with furniture and with various household utensils and usable objects. The particular set from this series that has been acquired by the Mercedes-Benz Art Collection consists of a kitchen unit with a fridge beneath it, upon which cups are placed. There are also two pastel-colored, monochrome paintings, leaning side-by-side against the wall.In one sense, the installation serves as a self-portrait: it contains objects that document the artist’s own home situation and day-to-day rituals. In another sense, these painstakingly positioned accumulations of day-to-day objects exemplify the home life of each individual person. Lee’s sparingly equipped spaces are intimate settings whose banal objects are linked to experiences, histories, and relationships and therefore evoke associations from the observer.

Lee Kit

* 1978 Hong Kong, CHN
Lives and works in Hong Kong, CHN

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